MATLAB: What unit does grn2eqa return

dimensionsMATLABmatlab functionunits

I have recently used the in build matlab function grn2eqa to convert a batch of lat-long data in degrees to equal area xy co-ordinates. However, looking at the results the unit does not make any sense to me (order *10^-5). The relative motions are quite small as this is gps data from a 40% scale model aircraft but i cannot figure out what unit this is or find anywhere that it is stated.
Does anybody know?

Best Answer

I don’t have the Mapping Toolbox, but a quick look at the online documentation for grn2eqa provides:
  • [x,y] = grn2eqa(lat,lon,origin,units) specifies the units for the inputs, where units is any valid angle units string. The default value is 'degrees'.