MATLAB: What type of input is given for ANN (neural network)

annDeep Learning Toolbox

i have audio files of 3 different types and want to classify them. planning to use neural network for this which will automatically find my test data falls into which category. input to this network is in what form? my audio files are in .wav format and stored as 45879×1 matrix. does this can be given as input? or should be converted to zeros and ones (binary)? if yes how? another option is, i have extracted mel frequency cepstral coefficients(MFCCs) which is a feature of signal. if i want to use these as inputs how to use?because these are combination of positive and negative numbers.please help.

Best Answer

we can divide the neural network classification into two parts.before going to neural network we need to Extract some features(Ex mean,STD,Entropy....).That will be given to the neural network as a input and the category (1 0r 2 or 3) will be the target.