MATLAB: What type of code should i use and how to use it

classification variablefor loopgraphif statementMATLAB

I am trying to plot a graph of a vehicles type of acceleration ie. Eco, Nor, Agg, Any; from a set of data. I have tried everything that i have been tought but cant figure out what how to complete it. The graph needs to show all values in range 0.7 – 2.8 as 1, 2.81 – 3.64 as 2, 3.65 – 6.5 as 3 and every other value 0. I also needs to use variable ds_mapping to store corresponding classification values of 1,2 or 3.
speed2=my_data.Speed*0.44704; %Speed is extracted in m/s from the dataset
acceleration= diff(speed2)./diff(time); %Finds acceleration as a derivative of speed with respect to time
Acceleration= resample(acceleration, 621,620); %as acceleration had only 620 cells and time has 621 cells
for Acceleration2=sqrt(Acceleration.^2);
if Acceleration2>=0.7 & Acceleration2<=2.8;
ds_mapping = ds_mapping+1;
elseif Acceleration2>=2.81 & Acceleration2<=3.64;
ds_mapping = ds_mapping+2;
elseif Acceleration2>=3.65 & Acceleration2<=6.5;
ds_mapping = ds_mapping+3;
elseif Acceleration2<=2.80 & Acceleration2>=6.6;
ds_mapping = ds_mapping+0;
%Plot graph
figure (3)
xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Acceleration (m/s2)');
plot(time, Acceleration, 'm', time, ds_mapping)

Best Answer

Saiyed - if Acceleration is the array with all of the data that you want to classify, then you could loop over each element in this array and determine the correct classification for each. For example,
ds_mapping = zeros(size(Acceleration)); % default to zeros
for k = 1:length(Acceleration)
accelValue = Acceleration(k);
if accelValue >= 0.7 && accelValue <= 2.8
ds_mapping(k) = 1;
elseif accelValue >= 2.81 && accelValue <= 3.64
ds_mapping(k) = 2;
elseif accelValue >= 3.65 && accelValue <= 6.5
ds_mapping(k) = 3;
And then plot the results.
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