MATLAB: What to do when facing a scaling behavior with Polyspace Code Prover

Polyspace Code Prover

With Polyspace Code Prover, you may face an "out of memory" error similar to this message:
**** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 – 61 (P_ILOI)
**** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 – 61 (P_ILOI) took 2.13real, 1.92u + 0.03s
**** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 – 62 (P_ENVT)
Fatal error: out of memory.
24-hour timeouts (timeout after 86400 seconds) like
***** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 – 32.2 (P_I1)
Warning: The analysis has been stopped by timeout (after 86400 seconds).
Maximum Memory Usage: 1720 MB
or like (Loading) took 0.27real, 0.21u + 0.05s (0.1gc)
[64928 -> 192289]
Warning: The C2IL translation has been stopped by timeout (after 86400 seconds).
or an analysis showing no progress.
They all are symptoms of a scaling behavior.
What are the possible options?

Best Answer

You will find a guide on scaling behaviors attached to this article, showing different means to have results in this situation.