MATLAB: What Timezone Abbreviation does Java use for your location


I am writing timezone sensitive versions of several MATLAB date related functions (datenum, datestr, datevec, etc) for eventual posting to the FEX and have been using the abbreviations at the following link as my guide:
Naturally, I would like my code (using the above) to be consistent with other s/w on the computer as far as timezone is concerned. Soooo … I would like to invite the community to post the results of the following MATLAB code to this thread to confirm or refute that list. Specifically, I am looking to see that the timezone number and abbreviation reported by Java matches the abbreviation and number in the above list.
java.util.Date() % The date string display
-ans.getTimezoneOffset()/60 % the timezone offset from UTC
If you don't see your particular timezone already in the answers or you see a discrepancy with another answer already posted please post your results. Thanks! (I would do this myself … but … alas, I only live in one timezone)

Best Answer

Everything looks kosher here:
>> java.util.Date() % The date string display
-ans.getTimezoneOffset()/60 % the timezone offset from UTC
ans =
Mon Feb 21 18:08:52 MST 2011
ans =