MATLAB: What this error means:”Unexpected HDL Coder call to hdlentitysignalsinit” in call to fdhdltool(Hd)

filter designFilter Design HDL CoderHDL Coder

I am trying to generate VHDL for my decimating FIR filter represented by
Hd = mfilt.firdecim(4,[0.000363612644134920 + 0.00000000000000i … -0.000561401194054925 – 0.00141793755829420i -0.000168734063349813 – 0.000468676890849365i 0.000112362486407300 + 0.000345816174611826i]);
This direct form FIR polyphase decimator is not supported directly by fdatool hence call to fdhdltool. However. when I hit Generate button in fdhdltool GUI I get error "Unexpected HDL Coder call to hdlentitysignalsinit".
The same error propped up when I was executing one of HDL Coder examples namely ddcfilterchaindemo.m The error in command window is below:
Error using hdlentitysignalsinit (line 9) Unexpected HDL Coder call to hdlentitysignalsinit
Error in C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\shared\hdlshared\@hdlfilter\@abstractmultistage\baseEmit.p>baseEmit (line 9)
Error in C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\shared\hdlshared\@hdlfilter\@AbstractHDLFilter\emit.p>emit (line 13)
Error in C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\shared\hdlshared\@hdlfilter\@AbstractHDLFilter\makehdl.p>makehdl (line 11)
Error in C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\shared\hdlshared\@hdlfilter\@AbstractHDLFilter\generatehdlcode.p>generatehdlcode (line 40)
Error in C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\hdlfilter\hdlfilter\privgeneratehdl.p>privgeneratehdl (line 52)
Error in dfilt.basefilter/generatehdl (line 51) privgeneratehdl(filterobj,varargin{:});
Error in ddcfilterchaindemo (line 286) generatehdl(hcas,'Name','filter','TargetLanguage','VHDL',…
Does anyone have an idea what this error means let alone how to fix it? It must be a low level matlab error.
Kind regards

Best Answer

This is an internal error with Filter Coder. Please open a technical support issue with MathWorks.