MATLAB: What should I do to display some information multi-line on the static text in the GUI

matlab guistatic text;multi-line

I want to display some information on the static text compoment in the multi-line on the GUI.I use the loop:
for i = 1:5
str = sprintf('the number of %d is completely',i);
set(handles.myStaticText, 'String', str);
But the line will be erased by the next line.WHat should I do if I want to display in multi-line?

Best Answer

if you want to append to existing string, get the string first and then append required data and display it. Example:
for i = 1:5
old_str=get(handles.text1, 'String');
tmp_str=['the number of',num2str(i),' is completely'];
new_str=[old_str; {tmp_str}];
set(handles.text1, 'String', new_str);