MATLAB: What results in the performance improvement when simulating SimBiology models in SimBiology 3.1 (R2009b)


In the documentation for SimBiology 3.1 (R2009b), the release notes state "increased performance when repeatedly simulating a model." I want to know whether the performance improvement is a result of compiling the model, which is then run repeatedly.

Best Answer

SimBiology 3.1 (R2009b) improves performance by caching the compiled state of the model after it is first simulated. This cached state includes a MATLAB language representation of the model equations. SimBiology does not yet compile models to C-code.
Note that the sort of changes to a model that will not cause a recompile are changes to species initial amounts, parameter values, and compartment capacities. The only other change that will not cause a recompile is a change to the stop time of a simulation.