MATLAB: What method does Matlab use to compute an approximation of an integral which contain singularities

numerical integration

Hey guys,
I'm fairly new at Matlab but would like to use it to compute the integral from [0,infinity): (sin(x^5)) / (x^(2)*(1+x)^(55)) dx
I realise that this can easily be solved with: fun = @(x) (sin(x.^5)) ./ (x.^(2).*(1+x).^55);
q = integral(fun,0,inf)
But I do not simply want to compute an approximation to it, in my essay I would like to investigate a method for solving such an integral and afterwards possibly code this into matlab. Thus the goal is not actually to calculate it but to demonstrate how these integrals could be calculated. Hence what I am really asking is whether anyone knows of an accurate quadrature rule that can be applied to such a integral containing singularities.
Much appreciated,
L. Wagemaker
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