MATLAB: What means this

MATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

what means this?
  1. iter,eps
  2. x=-2:0.01:2
  3. plot(x,y1,'-b')
  4. err
  5. at last >fprintf('%2.0f&10.4f%10.4f%10.4%f10.4f/n', result);

Best Answer

  1. iter,eps: iter is number of iterations. eps stand for a small value. So your code runs either for 10 iterations or till the error goes less than given eps.
  2. x=-2:0.01:2: This will create a array x from -2 to +2 with a difference of 0.01
  3. plot(x,y1,'-b'): This will plot the values of array x wrt to array y1.
  4. err : This is error variable.
  5. at last >fprintf('%2.0f&10.4f%10.4f%10.4%f10.4f/n', result): this is to print the respective values on the screen i.e on command window.
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