MATLAB: What is this error in Script file

MATLABmatlab identifierscript

X=zeros (1,1301);
time =0:0.05:65;
for i=2:1301
X(i) = ((k*(0.293*X(i-1)^2)-(0.542*X(i-1))+0.354)*0.05) +X(i-1);
plot (time, X)
hold on
plot (timeopc25, alphaopc25,'--')
legend('Predicted Data','Experimental data');
It tells, not formed from a valid matlab identifier. What does this mean? Thanx in advance

Best Answer

This error usually occur when there is a space in an M-file, or other forbidden characters. Check that the script file containing the code has a correct name with no white spaces.
This is incorrect: "my file.m"
This is correct: "myfile.m"