MATLAB: What is the value of predicted and actual

performance analysis

function EVAL = Evaluate(ACTUAL,PREDICTED)
% This fucntion evaluates the performance of a classification model by
% calculating the common performance measures: Accuracy, Sensitivity,
% Specificity, Precision, Recall, F-Measure, G-mean.
% Input: ACTUAL = Column matrix with actual class labels of the training
% examples
% PREDICTED = Column matrix with predicted class labels by the
% classification model
% Output: EVAL = Row matrix with all the performance measures
idx = (ACTUAL()==1);
p = length(ACTUAL(idx));
n = length(ACTUAL(~idx));
N = p+n;
tp = sum(ACTUAL(idx)==PREDICTED(idx));
tn = sum(ACTUAL(~idx)==PREDICTED(~idx));
fp = n-tn;
fn = p-tp;
tp_rate = tp/p;
tn_rate = tn/n;
accuracy = (tp+tn)/N;
sensitivity = tp_rate;
specificity = tn_rate;
precision = tp/(tp+fp);
recall = sensitivity;
f_measure = 2*((precision*recall)/(precision + recall));
gmean = sqrt(tp_rate*tn_rate);
EVAL = [accuracy sensitivity specificity precision recall f_measure gmean];

Best Answer

From the documenbtation:
% Input: ACTUAL = Column matrix with actual class labels of the training
% examples
% PREDICTED = Column matrix with predicted class labels by the
% classification model
I would assume that ‘matrix’ is ‘vector’ here. The ‘ACTUAL’ values are whatever the original classifications are, and the ‘PREDICTED’ the results of your classifier. The values likely depend on the original ‘correct’ classifications and your classifier output.
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