MATLAB: What is the true syntax for export_fig in order to save in a specific folder


I read almost everywhere of 3rd party Matlab function namely export_fig (downloaded from FEX) documentation But, I don't know how I can save the exported figure in a specific folder like this address: 'F:\university\matlab\'. The documentation says: "filename – string containing the name (optionally including full or relative path) of the file the figure is to be saved as. If a path is not specified, the figure is saved in the current directory" So I did some tries but failed.
Here is my code:
export_fig('filename',num2str(k), '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300')
I tried all of this:
export_fig('F:\university\matlab\project\filename',num2str(k), '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300');
% and

export_fig('F:\university\matlab\project\',num2str(k), '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300');
% and
export_fig('F:\university\matlab\project\','filename',num2str(k), '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300');
Although I got no error and code runs successfully but it saves in the current folder not in F:\university\matlab\
Does anyone know what is the problem?
Thank you

Best Answer

The complete path and filename should be one input.
export_fig(['F:\university\matlab\project\filename',num2str(k)], '-dpng', '-transparent', '-r300');
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