MATLAB: What is the script for highlight to source of a line when i know handle of a line.


what is the script for highlight to source of a line when i know handle of a line

Best Answer

model = 'your_model_name'; open_system(model);
%Select the line whose source has to be traced port = get_param([model '/Out1'], 'PortHandles'); % in this case out1 is an %output block in a model lineS = get_param(port.Inport, 'Line'); set_param(lineS, 'Selected', 'on');
%Highlight to source get_param(lineS, 'TraceSourceOutputports');
%If you need to find the source block. may be use find_system to find the colors or any other property to get to the block name.
%hope this helps. %% sreeram