MATLAB: What is the problem in simple matrix operation.

ascendingcell arraydescendingmatrixsort

clear all;clc
names = {'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'};
marks = [27; 48; 84; 22];
in_st = {names marks};
in_st = [names num2cell(marks)];
function [op_st1,op_st2] = print_Data(in_st)
in_st = in_st;
[~,idx] = sort(in_st(:,1));
op_st1 = in_st(idx,:)
[~,idx] = sort(in_st(:,2),'descend');
op_st2 = in_st(idx,:)
I want op_st1 in ascending order, and op_st2 in descending order. It works well upto half program, what is the problem in remaining..?

Best Answer

As the error message says and the documentation of sort states, you can't use the DIM and MODE arguments when sorting cell arrays.
However, since the descending order is just the reverse of the ascending order, why don't you just flip your first sort?
[~, idx] = sort(in_st(:, 1));
op_st1 = in_st(idx, :);
op_st2 = in_st(flipud(idx), :);