MATLAB: What is the main feature of numerical optimization techniques and does genetic algorithms consider a numerical optimization

design optimizationoptimizationOptimization ToolboxSimulink Design Optimization

i am wondering about the tybes of optimization in general and what are the main features of numerical optimization. i mean when i can say that optimzation technique is numerical or not. and does genetic optimization algorithm is classified as numerical optimization or not
i would be gratful if any one can give me a good referenc for classifications of optimization techniques that cover all of them

Best Answer

You can refer to the following link for more information on numerical optimization which is mainly part of Optimization Toolbox:
you can refer to the following slides for more information on how to use MATLAB for numerical optimization with examples :
As for genetic algorithms, it is part of the Global optimization toolbox.
you can refer to the following link to explore more about Global Optimization toolbox: