MATLAB: What is the efficient method for solving symbolic system of equation


now I am using the inverse of matrice x=inv(A)*b seem it does not efficiently solve with large problem. the problem is the error of using mupadmex in command sym for inverse matrices is out of memory. so anyone could suggest me what is the best method for solving the symbolic system of equation?
thank you so much. Best regard

Best Answer

You could try
However symbolic solutions of larger matrices are inherently large. For example the inverse of a 5 x 5 matrix is over 200000 characters long, and 6 x 6 is over 2000000 long; each additional increment makes the inverse about 10 times larger to represent on output -- and additional memory might be required during the calculation. Multiple gigabytes to calculate the 7 x 7. Roughly 2.2 * 10^N is the output size for the symbolic inverse of a matrix N x N.