MATLAB: What is the difference between wr_dout and r_dout ports of a Dual-port RAM in the hdldemolib? Please give a detailed explanation (if possible with an example)

dual port ramhdlHDL Coderhdldemolibportramsimulink

The link to the Dual-port RAM is here.
Dear community members, any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

This is straightforward. The Dual Port RAM has two address inputs; wr_addr and rd_addr. wr_dout is the contents of the address wr_addr, and rd_dout is the contents of the address rd_addr.
The documentation is quite short and clear as to the specific behavior of all the ports, and tradeoffs between the various RAM blocks.
>> web(fullfile(docroot, 'simulink/slref/dualportram.html'))