MATLAB: What is the difference between the Signal Processing Toolbox and the Filter Design Toolbox

designdifferencefilterprocessingsignalSignal Processing Toolbox

I would like to know the difference between the Signal Processing Toolbox and the Filter Design Toolbox.

Best Answer

The Filter Design Toolbox builds upon the Signal Processing Toolbox by adding advanced filter design algorithms, fixed-point filter analysis
and simulation, multirate filters, and adaptive filters. Some of the
key features for the Filter Design Toolbox are:
- Design and analysis of filters from the FDATool GUI or from the command line
- Advanced FIR filter design methods: generalized Remez, halfband, Nyquist, interpolated FIR, CIC compensators, inverse-sinc, minimum-phase, constrained-ripple, sloped stopband, least Pth-norm, and perfect reconstruction 2 channel filter banks.
- Advanced IIR filter design methods: arbitrary group-delay equalization, comb filters, peaking/notching filters, arbitrary magnitude, constrained radius.
- IIR frequency transformations to convert lowpass filters into bandpass, multiband and complex filters among others.
- A suite of multirate filtering efficient polyphase structures for interpolation, fractional interpolation, decimation, fractional decimation, and sampling-rate conversion.
- Support for CIC-interpolation and CIC-decimation.
- An extensive suite of adaptive filtering algorithms including steepest-descent type, least-squares type, frequency-domain and block adaptive filters.
- Fixed-point implementations of various filter structures including, direct-form FIR and its transposed version, symmetric/antisymmetric FIR, direct form I and II second-order sections, and polyphase interpolators/decimators/sample-rate converters.
- Scaling of second-order section IIR filters for fixed-point implementation.
- Estimation of the power spectral density estimation for round-off noise in fixed-point digital filters.
- Limit cycle analysis for fixed-point IIR filters
For complete product descriptions, please refer to the product pages: