MATLAB: What is the difference between the functions LibGetRecordDataWidth and LibGetRecordWidth in Real-Time Workshop 6.4 (R2006a)

simulink coder

The Release Notes for Real-Time Workshop 6.4 (R2006a) mention the functions LibGetRecordDataWidth and LibGetRecordWidth under 'New Target Language Compiler Library Functions That Support the New File Format' and 'Compatibility Considerations' respectively. This page can be accessed by typing the following command in the MATLAB command window:
What is the difference between these two functions?

Best Answer

This is a typographical error in the Release Notes for Real-Time Workshop 6.4 (R2006a), in the section 'New Target Language Compiler Library Functions That Support the New File Format'. The table in that section lists a function named LibGetRecordDataWidth. This name is incorrect. The correct name of the function is LibGetRecordWidth, as shown under 'Compatibility Considerations'.