MATLAB: What is the difference between sldvruntest and slvnvruntest?`

MATLABsimulinkSimulink CoverageSimulink Design Verifiersldvruntestslvnvruntest

I saw that some commands, like for instance sldvruntest and slvnvruntest, seems to be doing the exact same thing. I was wondering, are there any differences between the two? If yes, which is the best one?

Best Answer

Hi Davide,
sldvruntest and slvnvruntest are functionally equivalent. I just confirmed this with MathWorks Development.
sldvruntest will check out a Simulink Design Verifier™ license.
slvnvruntest will check out a Simulink Coverage™ license (for releases R2017b and newer) or Simulink® Verification and Validation™ for releases prior to R2017b
If you are creating a script using Simulink Design Verifier™ functions already, then use sldvruntest. If you are not using Design Verifier (e.g. Simulink Coverage™ or Simulink® Verification and Validation™), then use slvnvruntest.
In general, wherever you see functions beginning with "slvnv...", they are associated with Simulink® Verification and Validation™, which was transitioned in R2017b to three products: Simulink Check™, Simulink Requirements™, and Simulink Coverage™. These functions retained their names, despite the product transition.