MATLAB: What is the difference between MATLAB Web App Server (R2020a new toolbox) and MATLAB Web App Server (in matlab compiler)

MATLAB CompilerMATLAB Web App ServerMATLAB Web Server

According to the documentation, I have never understood the difference between the two. To deploy a web app, do I only need to install one of them? Another question is why I installed "MATLAB Web App Server (R2020a new toolbox)" but the documentation of this toolbox is not shown in the help documentation?

Best Answer

Here are the differences between two version of MATLAB Web App Server:
The verison included in MATLAB Compiler can be used for development and deployment in production but if you are looking for capabiliies such as authentication and making web apps accessible to users beyond 32 then you will need a license of MATLAB Web App Server. I hope this helps. Feel free to get in touch if you have more questions.