MATLAB: What is the difference between manually generated data and loaded data or random data

dataloadrandom number generator

If we have a matrix stated as below a =
-0.3252 0.1231 -0.1236
0.3690 -0.3574 0.3214
0.8524 -1.2658 -1.3698
then we would have
EDU>> a(2,1)==0.3690
ans =
But if we have a matrix which contains random numbers generated by MATLAB such as b=rand(3,3)
b =
0.2293 0.1496 0.0159
0.1822 0.2027 0.9575
0.1664 0.9550 0.0257
then very suprisingly we would have
ans =
I came up to this problem while using the load data.mat command. In case I load the data it would face the same problem as randomly generated data.Can you please proide me an answer for this problem. Thank you