MATLAB: What is the difference b/w “Bus Editor” and “Bus-creator” in simulink

bus creatorsimulink

* can anyone tell me the difference b/w "Bus Editor" and "Bus-creator"?
basically i want to create a bus with some set of signals and send those to output port after processing. as per my knowledge, i can do this two way : a) create a bus using bus editor and develop a simulink model for processing b) otherwise develop a simulink model and drag "bus creator" block which creates a bus and process with that*

Best Answer

You are little bit confused.
Bus Creator is the simulink block which takes many input signals and generate bus as output.
Bus Editor is the GUI utility used to define the Bus objects and their property. Bus objects are simulink objects (just like variables and parameters which are used to set bus property from base workspace.
In your case, drag a bus block from library. Double click on it and set the number of signals and signal names in dialog box.
But, If you don't want to use the settings from dialog box, check on "Specify properties via bus object", enter the name of bus object and click on "edit" button to open and configure a bus object. This object will appear at matlab's base workspace as "Simulink.Bus" object. You can also create & configure this bus object programmically without bus editor.