MATLAB: What is the correct syntax for num2str


Hi guys,
I am having some problems with the num2str. I am trying to read/save/move file names like Dataset_0.4_u1 to u5.csv ,Dataset_0.204_u1 to u5.csv and Dataset_0.242_u1 to u5.csv.
I tried with file name or using the num2str and have all them into one single loop, if possible.
filename=('Dataset' (num2str(set)) 'U' (num2str(Manoev)) );
'set' corresponds to 0.4,0.204 and 0.242, 'manoev' is just from 1 to 5.
Thanks Regards

Best Answer

set = [0.4 0.204 0.242];
manoev = 1:5;
for i = 1:numel(set)
for j = 1:numel(manoev)
filename = ['Dataset_' num2str(set(i)) '_U_' int2str(manoev(j)) '.csv'];
Data(i, j) = csvread(filename);