MATLAB: What is the best way to manipulate complex vectors in MatLAB

algebraarraycomplexmathematicsMATLABSymbolic Math Toolboxvector

I am new to MatLAB. I would like to define complex vectors of the form {a + bi}, then manipulate those vectors according to the rules of complex vector addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I cannot seem to find any "canned" functions for this. I've resorted to some sledgehammer techniques but surely (??) there must be some elegant ways of manipulating complex vectors, rather than piece-wise manipulating each of the real and imaginary components….

Best Answer

YOu need not to worry about may straight away use the operations on complex numbers. MATLAB will take care if it. To check whether given number is complex or not you can use isreal. This will be logical 0 iff the number is complex.
a = 1+1i*2 ;
b = 2+1i*3 ;
% sum
% difference
% multiplication
% division