MATLAB: What is the best way to create a figure from an existing axes in a GUI

axesguimatlab 2016b

Hi all,
Using GUIDE I created a GUI and in it I placed an axes where I plot some graphs. Of course, the size of the plot area is fixed to the size of the axes I created while constructing the GUI. From time to time there is a need to plot the same data on a figure (outside the GUI) where I can change size or just keep it when I plot a different graph on the same axes on the GUI. I know that I can create a figure, recalculate whatever was calculated for the fixed graph and direct the plot to the new figure.
My question is: is there a simple way to direct the data in the existing GUI axes to a newly created 'fig' without re-calculating the data?

Best Answer

This is a job for copyobj:
function YourGUI
FigH = figure('Title', 'The GUI');
AxesH = axes('Parent', FigH, ...
'ButtonDownFcn', @AxesCallback);
plot(1:10, rand(5,10), 'Parent', AxesH);
function AxesCallback(AxesH, EventData)
% [EDITED] Reject single left clicks:
DlgH = ancestor(AxesH, 'figure');
SelectionType = get(DlgH, 'SelectionType'); % Or use the EventData
if strcmpi(SelectionType, 'normal')
newFigHJ = figure;
newAxesH = copyobj(AxesH, newFigH); % [EDITED, Arguments swapped]
% [EDITED] Adjust position:
set(newAxesH, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.1, 0.1, 0.8. 0.8]);
The UIContextMenu of the figure or of the axes, or a specific button under the axes would be a nice method to trigger the exprt also.