MATLAB: What is R2009bSP1 and am I eligible for it


I saw R2009bSP1 mentioned. I would like to know what a service pack is, and if I am eligible to use it rather than R2009b.

Best Answer

The R2009b Service Pack 1 release from MathWorks is available as of April 2010. The Service Pack provides updates to fourteen products that resolve issues reported in R2009b.
A Service Pack release addresses critical bugs for customers that are unable to upgrade to the next general release due to companies that standardize on a particular release. If you are able to download and use the latest version of MATLAB, you should use this rather than the Service Pack.
R2009bSP1 provides updates to fourteen products that resolve issues reported in R2009b.
Everything you see with is a Release 2009bSP1 update
Bugs Fixed:
The eligibility date for maintenance (SMS) is the first day of the month after the Service Pack is released. This Service Pack was released in April, so licenses subscribed to SMS through May 1, 2010 are eligible to access R2009bSP1.