MATLAB: What is new in the Embedded Coder® Support Package for AUTOSAR in R2016b (16.2.3)

Embedded Coder

What is new in the Embedded Coder® Support Package for AUTOSAR in R2016b (16.2.3)?

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The R2016b Embedded Coder Support Package for AUTOSAR Standard, Version 16.2.3, includes the following bug fixes.
Bug Fixes:
  • The ARXML importer now supports GoTo/From tag names up to 64 characters. Previously, tag names were limited to 32 characters, after which the name was truncated and appended with a unique suffix.
  • The ARXML importer now correctly imports an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY that references another ImplementationDataType. Previously, importing ImplementationDataTypes for curves and maps could generate an assertion.
  • The ARXML importer now makes better use of the Simulink model canvas for ARXML files that contain a large number of runnables or ports. Previously, import threw the following error:
Error using At least one value is out of range for defining rectangle or position. All values must be less than or equal to 32767.
  • ARXML importer method updateModel now supports importing ARXML files containing matrices with differing dimensions. Previously, updateModel threw an error similar to the following:
Error using Simulink.metamodel.arplatform.Comparator/compare Assertion failed: first and second values sizes are different at b:\matlab\src\arxml_util\matcher\comparator.cpp:209:
  • ARXML export now supports exporting a previously imported inlined structure type. Previously, export threw the following error:
Error using (line 68) Unsupported m3iType class M3I.Object for addReferencedType.
  • AUTOSAR code generation now correctly generates an implementation enumeration data type when an application enumeration data type is mapped to an implementation data type. Previously, code generation incorrectly generated an application enumeration data type.
  • The Configure AUTOSAR Interface dialog box now correctly displays mode declaration values for a mode-switch event when you specify an enumeration type on a Simulink inport without a space. You also can now specify an enumeration type name with a ? symbol.