MATLAB: What is new in the Embedded Coder® Support Package for AUTOSAR in R2016a (16.1.1)

Embedded Coder

What is new in the Embedded Coder® Support Package for AUTOSAR in R2016a (16.1.1)?

Best Answer

The R2016a Embedded Coder Support Package for AUTOSAR Standard, Version 16.1.1, includes the following feature and bug fixes.
  • AUTOSAR schemas 4.2.2 and 3.2.2: Support of AUTOSAR schema versions 4.2 and 3.2 is extended to include schema revisions 4.2.2 and 3.2.2. Embedded Coder supports the new schema revisions for import and export of ARXML files and generation of AUTOSAR-compatible C code.
  • If you import schema 4.2.2 or 3.2.2 ARXML code into Simulink®, the ARXML importer detects and uses the schema version and revision, and sets the schema version parameter in the model. For more information on schema import and export, see the Embedded Coder documentation.
  • If you are developing an AUTOSAR software component based on AUTOSAR schema version 3.2, schema revision 3.2.2 allows you to include sender-receiver port end-to-end (E2E) protection, receiver port IsUpdated service, and port-based nonvolatile (NV) data communication in your component design.
Bug Fixes:
  • Unused pointer-to-integer data types no longer cause ARXML export errors. Simulink supports pointer-to-void data types, but does not support pointer-to-integer data types. However, before this fix, unused pointer-to-integer data types caused ARXML export to fail.
  • The ARXML importer now successfully imports parameter values with a pointer-to-void implementation data type. Previously, importing these data types caused an import error.
  • The ARXML importer now successfully imports application data types with a CompuMethod of category SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE, when the mapped implementation data type category is TYPE_REFERENCE. Previously, importing these data types caused an import error.
  • Improved ARXML importer performance when using Simulink data dictionary.
  • The ARXML importer now successfully imports multiple data store memories from ARXML files. Previously, importing multiple data store memories could cause a Simulink canvas limit error.
  • The ARXML importer now successfully imports an application value specification of category BOOLEAN with VT labels. Previously, importing these application value specifications caused an import error.