MATLAB: What is Error occupy for pixellabeldatastore code is following.

Computer Vision

for 3 D volumetric mri brain tumor image and file extension is nii. with my matlab code as following
classNames = ["background","tumor"];
pixelLabelID = [0 1];
pxds = pixelLabelDatastore(im ,classNames,pixelLabelID, …
Error using pixelLabelDatastore>parseInputs (line 202)
'FileExtensions' is not a recognized parameter. For a list of valid name-value pair arguments,
see the documentation for this function.
Error in pixelLabelDatastore (line 151)
[location, classes, values,params] = parseInputs(varargin{:});
Error in SEp1 (line 27)
pxds = pixelLabelDatastore(im,classNames,pixelLabelID, …

Best Answer

You did not indicate your MATLAB release.
The FileExtensions option was not available in some earlier releases. My memory is saying that it was added in one of the 2019 releases.
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