MATLAB: What is common between objects of nearly same colour

color recognitionimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

sir, suppose a common man observes a object and predicts about the color of the object as it is near to true color(say red) . i am eager to know what is the thing that make him able to decide that it is near to red. so , what is common between the objects of nearly same color but some different … i know that the rgb values will be different …then on what color scheme we can predict the common properties about the color of the object…..please reply soon..

Best Answer

Delta E is the "color difference" and is basically the distance between two colors plotted in CIE LAB color space. I have a demo in my File Exchange where you can outline a colored region and then specify a Delta E, and it will find all colors in the image that are closer than your specified Delta E to the mean color of the region you drew. Please download it and run it.