MATLAB: What is changing in R2014b


Is there a published list of features that are changing with Matlab R2014b? I have been unable to install the pre-release, but I have received word that some of my FEX submissions do not work with R2014b. For example, I'd like to know what needs to be changed in my label function, and whether fixing it for R2014b will end up breaking it for previous versions.

Best Answer

Hi Chad,
First, one of the purposes of the prerelease is to provide you with an opportunity to test your code against up and coming changes as well as to provide feedback on what went well and what didn't. It's too bad you can't install the prerelease :(
Second, Star is right that the prerelease comes with an NDA so we can't talk about it. But I can answer your second question which is release agnostic. You can use verLessThan to make decisions about what code path to take. If for any release you need a switch mechanism (new features to take advantage of, incompatibilities, etc.) you can use this as the criterion
if verLessThan('matlab','8.4')
% <=R2014a
% >R2014a
Hope this helps.
PS. It's hot down here in Texas!
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