MATLAB: What is ‘categorical predictor’ in decision tree for regression

categorical predictorsdecision treeregression

Hi, I'd like to use Matlab's own example for the question. Please refer to for the original example.
>> load carsmall
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Acceleration 100x1 800 double
Cylinders 100x1 800 double
Displacement 100x1 800 double
Horsepower 100x1 800 double
MPG 100x1 800 double
Mfg 100x13 2600 char
Model 100x33 6600 char
Model_Year 100x1 800 double
Origin 100x7 1400 char
Weight 100x1 800 double
>> tree = fitrtree([Weight, Cylinders],MPG,...
tree =
PredictorNames: {'W' 'C'}
ResponseName: 'Y'
CategoricalPredictors: 2
ResponseTransform: 'none'
NumObservations: 94
Properties, Methods
What exactly is the Categorical Predictors in this case and why it is 2?

Best Answer

Matlab's fitrtree() function returns a regression tree object. Read more about this object and its properties here:
As you'll read in the link above, the "CategoricalPredictors" contains index values corresponding to the columns of the categorical predictor data (if none of the predictors are categorical, this will be empty []).
So, why is it CategoricalPredictors equal to 2?
Now read about the function you're using fitrtree()
One of the name-value pairs (<- link) is 'CategoricalPredictors' which, is specified in your call to fitrtree() as 2. That's because you have two predictors being treated as categorical variables, [Weight, Cylinders].