MATLAB: What happens to Matlab when I lose connection to the network drive data all of a sudden

MATLABnetwork disconnectionpause

Hi there
I have been trying to run some matlab on a bunch of my data. Both my codes and data are stored in the network drive. Recently due to unstable internet, the network drive connection also became unstable. As a result, matlab stops once in a while, saying that it is Unable to open file "xx" for reading. Is there a way to pause the matlab instead of stopping it completely? It seems that I have rerun the matlab everytime when this error comes and it is really frustrating that I just lost so many hours' work.
I would appreciate a lot if you can give me any advices.

Best Answer

Well that sounds indeed frustrating. Luckily you can pause on error/warnings (check it here). I think thats a screenshot for an older version, but with R2018b its pretty similar.
I know it's not really my business, but I would rather try to fix the internet connection (not only for Matlab but also for other things it's just annoying to get disconnected everytime).
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