MATLAB: What happens in response to fprintf commands when a deployed app is created using deploytool


I am creating an App for others to use the matlab code, using deploytool. I have a couple of questions.
1. What happens if I am using the fprintf commands since there is no MATLAB window to print in response to this command?
2. My code runs fine in the MATLAB environment. However, when I run the app created by deploytool, it bombs with no indication of where it did so? How can I debug this error since debug flags cannot be used here?

Best Answer

You can specify a file identifier (created using fopen) as the first input to fprintf, which will send the output to a file. If you don't specify the file, then fprintf should send all it's output to "standard out", which should be the command line you used to launch your App. If you started the App by double-clicking the executable, I don't believe the output is sent anywhere, so if you want to capture that output you need to start your App from a terminal or command window (the details depends on your operating system).