MATLAB: What function should I choose while sometimes ode45 will fall into endless loop

ode45 endless loop

Actually,the problem to solve sometimes don't have a solution. In this case, the ode45 will fall into endless loop, and could not stop itself. As a build-in function, tic-toc control can not apply to it, so I try to use other ode-functions, they all will automatically stop and throw a warning. That's good for me. But I'm not sure if they can always do this everytime. In all, my question is: is there a function of ode that will never fall into endless loop? If there is or there are, please name it or them, and I would really appreciate if the reason can be explain.

Best Answer

As far as I know, ODE45 does never fall into an infinite loop. But the stepsize can be very small, such that the calculation take a lot of time. Then limiting the smallest step size is helpful usually.
Another idea is using an Event function, which drops a terminal event after a specified amount of time. A persistent variable in side this Event function might be usful for this job.