MATLAB: What exactly is the ‘Sample time’ (Ts) and ‘Samples per frame’ variables in the Bernoulli bit generator

bernoulli bitcommunications blocksetmultipathrayleighriciansamplesample timeTS

Hello everyone I am using the 'Multipath Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels' model for a week now and I can't understand what the Sample Time (Ts) is. I am new to signal processing but I know about wired networks and from what I have read so far, there is no mentioning about any sampling or sampling time. So, first I thought is the symbol (transition) period from the QPSK but its not that because Ts is in the Bernoulli bit generator. I was told that bits are entered into a sample (pack) first and then to the frame; and the Ts is the time it take to put the sample into the frame. Is that true? I will appreciate it a lot if someone can help me understand this. Thanks

Best Answer

If the output of the Bernoulli Binary Generator block is set to sample-based, then 'Ts' is the amount of time between consecutive output samples. In other words, every Ts seconds the block will put out another bit.
If the block is set to frame-based outputs, then each row of the output frame is updated every Ts seconds. The block itself updates its frame output every Ts*(samples per frame) seconds.