MATLAB: What does this line of code mean,


C{k} = xlsread(name)
the main program is this:
C = cell(1,9);
for k = 1:9
name = sprintf('%04i.csv',k);
C{k} = xlsread(name);
A = cat(3,C{:});
what I need is to have each file conserved as a matrix so that I will have access to it whenever I need it, in addition, i will be needing to have a histogram of each file

Best Answer

The line of code
C{k} = xlsread(name)
reads the file with filename name, and puts any numeric data into the k-th cell of cell array C. You can learn about cell arrays by reading the MATLAB documentation:
A cell array is just a container for holding some other data, and it does not matter what that other data is. In this case it holds the numeric array that is read from the file.