MATLAB: What does the “Specify the open-loop response at the following locations” option do in the Control System Designer App

Control System Toolbox

I am trying to use the Control System Designer App to tune my controller by using the Root Locus Editor "New Open-Loop Response" functionality and would like to know what the "Specify the open-loop response at the following locations" option does. Since I am specifying the open-loop response to be plotted using a root locus, I expect to be able to set the start point and the end point for the open-loop response but there are no options to specify the end point.

Best Answer

The "Specify the open-loop response at the following locations" option specifies both the start point and the end point for the open loop response. Therefore the open loop transfer function would be found by starting at the specified signal, and then traversing the control loop until you reach the specified signal again. For instance, if you set the following options:
Then the open loop transfer function would be G*H*C, and therefore the root locus that is plotted would be equivalent to executing,
>> rlocus(G*H*C)
in the MATLAB Command Window. For another example of how to use these specifications, see the following link: