MATLAB: What does the ‘Ident’ field in the BLOOMBERG.FETCH command refer to in Datafeed Toolbox 3.1 (R2008a)

datafeedDatafeed ToolboxfetchidentidentifierSecurity

In the documentation for the BLOOMBERG.FETCH command, I am unable to find any description on the available options for specifying the value for the 'Ident' field.
When I loaded bbfields.mat, as the documentation describes, I was unable to locate the vector specifying all the available options for me to use for 'Ident'.

Best Answer

'Ident' refers to the security identifier for a given Bloomberg query using the FETCH command. When no value is specified for 'Ident', the default option used by the command is CUSIP. These are the options available:
'TICKERX' 'Ticker-Exchange'
'CUSIPX' 'CUSIP-Exchange'
'CUSIP8' 'CUSIP(8char)'
'TICKER' 'Ticker'
'EUROCLR' 'Euroclear'
'SEDOL1' 'Sedol-1'
'SEDOL2' 'Sedol-2'
'CEDEL' 'Cedel'
'WERTP' 'Wertpapier'
'DUTCH' 'Dutch'
'VALOREN' 'Valoren'
'FRENCH' 'French'
'COMNUM' 'CommonNumber'
'JAPAN' 'Japanese'
'BELG' 'Belgian'
'DENMRK' 'Danish'
'AUSTRIA' 'Austrian'
'LUXEMBRG' 'Luxembourgeois'
'SWEDEN' 'Swedish'
'NORWAY' 'Norwegian'
'ITALY' 'Italian'
'JNCOMNUM' 'JapanCompanyNumber'
'SPAIN' 'Spanish'
'FIRMID' 'FirmIdentifier'
'MISC' 'Misc.Domestic'
'CINS' 'CUSIPInternational'
'IRISH' 'IrishSedolNumber'
'CATS' 'MalaysianCATSCode'
'STCM' [1x24 char]
'TICKERDIV' 'Ticker-Dividend'
'CLIENT' 'Client-Portfolio'
'TCA' 'Ticker-Coupon-Age'
'OBJECTID' 'Getmonidbyobjectid'
'TCM' [1x22 char]
The available options for the 'Ident' field in the FETCH command are listed under the 'bbsectype' vector of the BBFIELDS.MAT documentation file.
The following example illustrates using the FETCH command.
C = bloomberg;
D = fetch(C,'US444333111','HISTORY','LAST_PRICE','8/01/99','8/10/99',[],'USD','ISIN')
The previous example returns the closing price converted to US dollars for the given dates for the given security ISIN id using the default period of the data.
These examples can also be located by executing 'help bloomberg.fetch' at the MATLAB command prompt.