MATLAB: What does SequenceLength property in the training options for an LSTM layer really mean and why is it there

Deep Learning ToolboxlstmlstmlayerMATLABnumhiddenunitssequencelength

I am trying to understand the different terminologies used for creating an lstmLayer in MATLAB. I finally understood that numHiddenUnits parameter is the number of LSTM "cells" and the higher it is, the "longer" the network is. So, as far as I am concerned, for e.g. numHiddenUnits=100, the network always takes 100 time steps of the data for each training iteration. So according to my logic, I cannot find any use for SequenceLength.

Best Answer

Indeed, the software "unrolls" the layer to have length given by 'SequenceLength'. The network is stateful, so it also updates the network state between split sequences.
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