MATLAB: What does each column of the output from the Yahoo FETCH function in the Datafeed Toolbox correspond to

columnsDatafeed Toolboxfetchfieldsorder

When I specify a range of dates to the Yahoo FETCH function, I want to know what are the fields for each column of data returned. For example, when I enter the commands:
conn = yahoo;
D = fetch(conn, 'ko', 719841, 719845)
"D" becomes a 5-by-7 matrix. Each row corresponds to the 5 dates I specified. However, I want to know what data each column represents.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous product releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
The data in each column corresponds to the following fields:
Note that both the seventh column and the fifth column return the same data and should be identical.
Additionally, the columns of data are returned as they would be if all of the columns were queried and are independent of the order given in the cell array. Therefore,
fetch(c, 'LSI', {'Volume', 'Open'}, '1-jan-05', '31-jan-05');
will return the same matrix as
fetch(c, 'LSI', {'Open', 'Volume'}, '1-jan-05', '31-jan-05');
Even though the order of the column output is different.