MATLAB: What does centroid of an image indicates exactly

centroidImage Processing Toolboxregionprops

I measured centroid of an image using regionprops. I got 14 values.. 7 rows with 2 columns… what it indicates?

Best Answer

It is the non-weighted center of your binary blobs. If you have 7 rows, then you have 7 blobs. Did you look at the help? Because it's explained in the help:
'Centroid' 1-by-Q vector that specifies the center of mass of the region. Note that the first element of Centroid is the horizontal coordinate(or x-coordinate) of the center of mass, and the second element is the vertical coordinate (or y-coordinate). All other elements of Centroid are in order of dimension.
I'm pretty sure you must have seen that already, so what in there does not answer your question?