MATLAB: What do the different colors in the PolySpace Source Code View, RTE View and Variable View windows mean

grayPolyspace Client for Ada

I would like to get information about the color coding scheme used by PolySpace in the Source Code View, RTE View and Variable View windows.

Best Answer

Each operation checked is displayed using a meaningful color scheme in the Source Code View. Related diagnostic information is available after clicking on the respective links:
- Red: A link to the error message associated to the error which occurs at every execution.
- Orange: A link to an unproven message - an error may occur sometimes.
- Grey: A link to a check shown as unreachable code. The error message is in grey.
- Green: A link to a VOA (Value on Assignment) or an error condition that will never occur.
Other Source Code View related color schemes are given by:
- Black: Represents some comments, source code that does not contain any operation to be checked by PolySpace verification in terms of run time errors and optimized operations, e.g. x := 0;.
- Blue: Text highlighting the keyword “procedure” and “function”.
- Blue Underlined (cyan / light blue / turquoise): A link to a global variable in the “Global variable View”.
Color schemes in the RTE View panel (Procedural entities) are given by:
- Black with grey background: Functions / procedures that, according to the information available to PolySpace, will never be called.
- Black without a background: Functions / procedures that are called, but do not contain any checks. It is also possible that the checks have been filtered.
- Grey: Functions / procedures that are called but contain unreachable code.
Color schemes in the Variables View window are given by:
- Black: Not shared variable.
- Orange: Shared variable but not protected.
- Green: Protected shared variable.