MATLAB: What do the C_param and RevBrk parameters mean for spice_diode

diodeSimscape Electricalsimulinkspice

I imported a netlist into MATLAB for simulink/simscape modeling and was prompted to edit some of the diode parameters after running subcircuit2ssc. My parameters have been imported well, however I don't know why two parameters (c_param and RevBrk) were added to the code. I have not been able to find documentation detailing what they are. See generated code from subcircuit2ssc below:
D_MD1_D2 = ee.additional.spice_semiconductors.spice_diode(AREA={1,'m^2'},SCALE={1,'1'},IS={1e-14,'A/m^2'}, …
RS={0.01,'Ohm*m^2'},N={1,'1'},C_param={2,'1'},CJO={0,'F/m^2'},VJ={0.75,'V'},M={0.333,'1'},FC={0.5,'1'}, …

Best Answer

C_param is a flag indicating what type of capacitance model you want to use and RevBrk is a flag indicating what type of reverse breakdown model you want to use. This is because different versions of SPICE may use different models under the hood.
For C_param, a value of 1 means no capacitance model, and a value of 2 means you can use CJO, FC and TT to specify the capacitance behaviour.
For RevBrk, a value of 1 turns off reverse breakdown, and a value of 2 means you can use BV, IBV, etc. to specify the reverse breakdown behaviour.