MATLAB: What do I have to do to sort strings properly in Listbox


While I try to figure this out, I have problems again..
To sort strings in listbox,
e.g.,I have strings below! 'p1' 'p2' 'p10' 'p12' 'p21'
To sort those strings, I tried to use sort(),
and then, result was like this..
'p1' 'p10' 'p12' 'p2' 'p21'
%%%% 🙁 %%%%
But, I want to sort A as, 'p1' 'p2' 'p10' 'p12' 'p21'
What do I have to do for this?
I'm looking forward to your answer!

Best Answer

Don't ask the same question just because nobody answered it yesterday. If you are impatient, write a comment on it to bump it back up. People occasionally check through old questions to see what hasn't been answered. That's also a reason to accept answers - so people who do look back on old questions know not to check those that are already accepted.
Now... code, with no explanation this time.
A = {'p1', 'p10', 'p12', 'p2', 'p21'};
N = cellfun( @str2double, regexp(A, '\d+', 'match') )
[~,I] = sort(N);
B = A(I);