MATLAB: What defines the type of the different variables (eg. cell or double) when you import data (for example from a csv table using uigetfile)

cell type

This is the error message i get: Error using table2array (line 27) Cannot concatenate the table variables 'Depth' and 'Cu', because their types are double and cell.
Error in Fullscan_05_17_XRF_CSV (line 7) array = table2array(table(:,1:13));

Best Answer

While reading csv table, the data type corresponding to different variables depends on the data contained in the table. The strings in the csv table corresponds to cell type whereas the numbers correspond to double after importing csv table into MATLAB.
The error received in your case is due to conversion of a table consisting elements with different data type into an array. An array is a collection of elements of similar data types therefore it is not allowed to concatenate two different data types to form an array.
Consider using 'table2cell' to combine different data type elements to form a cell array. The documentation link to the respective function is given below:
I hope this helps!