MATLAB: What can you tell/deduce by looking at the plots of magnitude and phase of a frequency response function

dynamicsfrequency response functionmagnitudephase

What can you tell/deduce by looking at the plots of magnitude and phase of a frequency response function?

Best Answer

Okay, now I get it.
Actually, there are lots of things to tell. For instance, by looking at the magnitude plot, you can see at which frequency a single pole, double poles or complex conjugate poles take place. If -20dB/decade change happens at that frequency, you say it is a single pole. If -40dB/decade change happens at that frequency, you say it is a double pole. If a resonance peak takes place, which means immediate rise and fall at a specific frequency, it means complex conjugate poles. For zero, the situation is vice versa, which means there will be positive changes instead negative ones, like 20dB/decade, 40dB/decade...
For phase plots, you should think it this way: For a transfer function, if you do mathematical calculations in frequency domain, you will see that its phase at a specific frequency is the difference between its zeros and poles. Therefore, one can easily see that any zero will bring positive phase, while pole will bring negative phase. Therefore, for negative poles and zeros, you should see what I say, in other words, stable zeros and poles.
That is all for now. We can discuss further later.