MATLAB: What can the implicit type of mxGetPr return argument be


The following code returns a compiler warning because the pointer retrieved is of incompatible type.
mwSize countDims[2] = {nP,1};
plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(ndim,countDims,mxINT64_CLASS,mxREAL);
int* count;
count = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
This appears to be the case no matter what integer type I use in mxCreateNumericArray, or whether I use int, short etc.

Best Answer

mxGetPr returns a (double *) type and is typically only used for double class variables, although most compilers will let you get away with just a warning if you convert it to another non-(void *) pointer type. Use the mxGetData function (and mxGetImagData for complex variables) for other data types, such as your int64 class variable. mxGetData and mxGetImagData return a (void *) type. You may want to cast the result explicitly. Also, using an int * will almost certainly not give you a 64-bit integer type on a typical compiler these days. You will need to use something else, like long long or int64_t.